Monthly Archives

2 post(s) in May 2019

workshops for students in mumbai

Best summer vacation workshop to creatively engage children

With the soaring temperatures and the long summer vacation ahead, most parents in Mumbai find it difficult to keep children constructively occupied and yet away from their electronic gadgets and devices. Children are addicted to their phones, play stations, iPads and Television. Gone are the days where children read, played board games or kept themselves busy creating art and craft ...
Benefits of animation education

How is Animation Education beneficial to children?

Ever wondered how animation education could be beneficial to children? As per an Analysis of Comprehension of Animation Logic in Young Children by Wendy Jackson Hall (Animation Artist/Educator, Seattle. Read more about her here) presented at the 2002 Society for Animation Studies Conference, Glendale, CA Creative Writing and Language skills are engaged while writing the script. Principles of storytelling, story structure, ...