Toon Club collaborates with Toonz Media Group

Since its inception in 2003, Toon Club has grown from strength to strength and is now internationally among the 10 best animation educators for children in the world. And this not an exaggeration. Going by the 57 (and counting) awards (including 3 Industry Recognition Awards) we have bagged and the international collaborations, we’ve single handedly put India on the map when it comes to animation films done by children.

Reinventing ourselves in the pandemic, we have gone online! We are now proud to announce our partnership with Ri8Brain (an initiative of Toonz Media Group

All creative art workshops for children & beginners are listed under Ri8Brain Explore

Five of these courses are designed and conducted in a hybrid format (pre-recorded & live sessions) by Toon Club: Paper Plate Animate, Flip & Animate, Histories Mysteries, Notebook Animation & Cameraless Animation.

And there’s a lot more coming up. Watch this space for more!


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