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42 post(s) from toonclub

Toon Club is Globe Trotting!

We've been continent hopping. Our collaborations with Children’s Art Centre in Poznan (Poland) & Festival Anim!Arte, Brazil are 2 chips on our shoulder. Just when we thought we'd uncork the champagne, yet another collab Punto Y Raya Junior Festival, Spain came up. Did you know it’s the ONLY festival that is dedicated to abstract animation films created by children and ...

Toon Club collaborates with Toonz Media Group

Since its inception in 2003, Toon Club has grown from strength to strength and is now internationally among the 10 best animation educators for children in the world. And this not an exaggeration. Going by the 57 (and counting) awards (including 3 Industry Recognition Awards) we have bagged and the international collaborations, we’ve single handedly put India on the map ...

Toon Club workshop at Anim!Arte Festival, Brazil

Though the pandemic and worldwide lockdown has been devastating and largely a depressing phase, some of us have found a silver lining to this dark cloud in online collaborations. The world has become a much smaller place than ever before. In the process, there is a lot of exchange of ideas, sharing and learning. In 2020, we were approached by Children’s Art ...

Toon Club: Looking back at 2020 with gratitude

2020 has been about Reaching out beyond boundaries Redefining ourselves online Rewards and Recognition With much gratitude in our hearts, we’d like to share the highlights of 2020 Toon Club collaborated with ‘Children’s Art Centre, Poznan’ to conduct the FIRST EVER cross‐country, cross‐continental online animation workshop to bring children from India and Poland to work together on Animation Films.  One of the two films ...

TOON CLUB ties up with IKFF 2020

IKFF (International Kids Film Festival) is a first-of-its-kind global film festival that endeavours to introduce kids to the magic of films and utilize its power to educate and inspire. IKFF is an opportunity for students across the globe to WATCH, LEARN and MAKE Cinema. It’s an honour to collaborate with IKFF as a Festival Partner alongside other major organisations like Annecy, ...

Toon Club films included in Educational Programs!

Our film 'Animal Abuse' along with 'Out of the Frame' and 'Pesky Proverbs' will be screening at 'Chania Film Festival', Crete, Greece 2020. We're honoured that the festival is also going to incorporate the film ANIMAL ABUSE in its educational program CFF Edu. ANIMAL ABUSE is a cutout animation film created in the Gond Art style (folk art of Madhya Pradesh) by 7th Graders of ...

Pandemic spawns first ever INDO-POLISH Workshop for children!

Early this year, I received an email from Agnieszka Krajewska (from film, AV & media education department at Children's Art Centre (CSD), Poznan) inviting me to Poland for a project called ‘Animators of Tomorrow’ as part of the Festival ANIMATOR. She had seen Toon Club (TC) films at The Festival ANIMANIE in Pilzen (Czech Republic), and loved the work created by ...

It’s raining awards & selections!

Our winning spree goes on unabated! In the past month our films have been selected in 3 prestigious International festivals. FIVE FILMS: 'Clean & Green', 'Out of the Frame', 'The Great Chase', 'Monster Land' & 'Morphing Tales' were screened online on the Corti A Ponte website on 4th and 5th May 2020. Click here for screening schedule Children studying in Italian schools voted ...
Mumbai Workshop for Kids

Adding Animation to STEM gathers STEAM

While India has been extremely strong in pedagogical education, we have been by and large languishing in the Arts domain. Consider this - most inventions of the 20th century have taken place in the west where art, creativity and out of the box thinking is actively encouraged at a very young age. Fortunately, with the introduction of IB curriculum in India, ...